Session 5 Production Project

CC Image Gum by I am R. at Flickr


Our goal was to create a dialogue-based film with ADR. As the screenwriter, I had to show the beginning middle and end, writing for rhythm, modifying the script, visual story stucture of tone, and beats that end in therefore and but.



Intention (SMART Goal)

I want to create a shot-reverse-shot film using dialogue, the visual story structure of tone, and beats that end in THEREFORE or BUT to raise tension. I will know I successfully met my goal if I write a screenplay that makes me proud and follows the requirements. I do think this goal is achievable if I work hard and put in maximum effort. I am setting this goal because I want to learn how different roles work within film. The deadline is February 21st and I think we can do it if we split it into pre-production, production, and post-production.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Primary Source: The Social Network

  • Screenwriter: Aaron Sorkin
  • Builds tension throughout the scene
  • Establishes the setting
  • Fast-paced
  • Full of information.

Secondary Source: The Social Network – Sorkin, Structure, and Collaboration

  • Uses overlapping dialogue to build tension.
  • Uses misunderstanding to build tension.
  • It provides information to the audience.
  • Creates questions for the audience.
  • Uses hiccups to make the acting more realistic.

Aaron Sorkin is a fantastic screenwriter with a one of a kind style. He uses techniques such as overlapping dialogue, misunderstanding, hiccups, and many others. This stands out from other screenwriters due to his style.

  • Have a beginning, middle, and end
    • You have a beginning, middle, and end to complete the story
  • Write for rhythm
    • Write for rhythm to build and release tension
  • Modify Script
    • Modify script to build tension
  • Use Tone
    • Use tone to provide information and “emphasize important objects or hide unimportant objects” (Tone).
  • Use screenwriting beats – Therefore and But

Training Source(s)

  • 1:02 – Screenplay is a written version of a movie. It is a set of plans to guide the film.
  • 1:10 – All screenplays should have Sluglines, Action, and Dialogue.
  • 1:20 – Slugline…INT or EXT.WHERE-TIME OF DAY
  • 2:00 – Action… Short lines that describe who is in the scene and what they are doing. Present tense.
  • 2:29 – Show don’t tell.
  • 2:39 – Dialogue… Words presented by the actors
  • 3:09 – Building blocks of a screenplay – protagonist, goal, and obstacles.
  • 4:18 – Use the hero’s journey
  • 4:26 – 11 steps: Call to adventure, assistance, departure, trials, approach, crisis, treasure, result, return, new life, and resolution.
  • 5:05 – Different types of conflict. External Conflict: The protagonist encounters physical obstacles. Internal Conflict The protagonist encounters emotional obstacles.
  • 5:57 – Screenwriter should build tension.
  • 6:33 – Three act structure: Beginning middle end
  • 6:44 – Beginning: Sets up the world, Introduces the characters, identify the protagonist, and identify the goal.
  • 7:10 – Middle: Increasingly difficult conflicts, meet allies, success, and setbacks, brought to a point of hopelessness.
  • 7:31 – End: Climax of the film, Faceoff with protagonist and antagonist, and a defining moment in achieving the goal.

Project Timeline

  2. Pick role.
  3. Research leaders.
    1. Take notes.
  4. Watch Video essay on the screenwriter.
    1. Take notes.
  5. Watch a video on how to be better on a role.
    1. Take notes.
  6. Research Screenwriter tasks.
  7. Create a timeline for the project.
  8. Write a smart goal.
  9. Collaborate with the team, discuss film ideas.
  10. Write logline.
  11. Write the screenplay.
    1. The beginning, middle, end.
    2. Write for rhythm.
    3. Think about tone while writing.
    4. Use “but” and “therefore” to build tension (F is for Fake).
  12. Modify screenplay for more tension.
  15. Lead the team with what we are doing for the day (SCRUM).
  16. Talk with the team and see what needs to be done.
    1. Ask if they need help with anything.
  17. Help actors with lines.
  18. Modify the screenplay more if needed.
  21. Talk with the team daily.
  22. Compose titles and credits.
  23. Work on presentation.
  24. Work on the blog post.
  25. Finish presentation and blog post.
  26. Present to class.
  27. Present to the Advisory Committee.
  28. Reflect on what could be done better.


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Skills Commentary

0:13 – Visual Structure of tone – To show emotion.

The following cannot be shown in the video:


  • Beginning, Middle, and End
    • To keep us organized
  • Writing For Rhythm
    • Short lines in our screenplay to build tension and keep the viewer engaged
  • Modifying the Screenplay
    • Modified the screenplay to help us out more and help us build a greater sense of tension
  • Screenwriting bears that end in THEREFORE and BUT
    • Used to keep the audience engaged.


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

Ways of Thinking: To make a screenplay for our story. I wrote the story with input from our group and additional changes myself. To make the film interesting and engaging, I had to use different beats and techniques. However, we had a little amount of time to make this film, this made me rush and I had to spend a lot of time on the screenplay.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

Ways of Working: Throughout this project, my team members and I had to talk to each other in order to get tasks done. In pre-production, we all were on separate teams to learn more about our rolls. In production, we finally sat down together and decided on a specific topic. In post-production, we all sat around Leonel while he put together the film, ADR, and the music. Also, my role was the scrum master which means I led meetings of what we were going to do for the day. The deadline was close but I made it.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Tools for Working: For this film, I used different videos for research and for inspiration. During pre-production, I researched my role through talented screenwriters. For the screenplay, the tool used was Celtx.

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Ways of Living in the World: During session five, other than working on the production project I had presentations, tests, and homework. I played soccer with my friends to prepare for the upcoming soccer season. I continued to watch videos and TV shows to keep me occupied.

Reactions to the Final Version

When post-production ended we had to present our film in front of the class and the advisory committee. Brian Favorite wrote, “Lowball’ and scam was great! Excellent documentation! I love the music choice,” This feedback helped me learn what was produced well and what was not as good.

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

  • Beginning, Middle, and End
    • To keep us organized
  • Writing For Rhythm
    • Short lines in our screenplay to build tension and keep the viewer engaged
  • Modifying the Screenplay
    • Modified the screenplay to help us out more and help us build a greater sense of tension
  • Visual Structure of Tone
    • Clothing of the protagonist describes how he is feeling down and addresses emotion
  • Screenwriting bears that end in THEREFORE and BUT
    • Used to keep the audience engaged.

In our final version of the film, it had multiple principles from the SUCCESs model. The film was a very simple concept while telling a story inspired by a drug deal. The film was also unexpected because it was much different than you would expect. The film is also emotional because it is a journey that goes from no gum to being scammed.

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

From the session five production project, I learned what it takes to be a screenwriter. Before this project, I had never written a screenplay. Throughout production, we encountered a lack of time which resulted in a weaker film. To fix this problem we worked hard to get it done. I had to keep the team focused and on track for the deadline.

Grammar and Spelling

  • Grammarly


  • Pre-Production: Leonel
  • Production and Post Production: Chet